Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Vibram's Go To Utah

Last week, I ran twice in my VFF's, 4  miles each. They were pretty good runs. The Tuesday run my goal was to change my route enough so that I was mostly running on an unpaved trail or asphalt. I was pretty successful at avoiding concrete, which is the most unforgiving surface for running and the hardest one on your body. I really enjoyed the softer surfaces, and it was really fun to run in the grass next to the sidewalk for a while. You just have to watch out for holes or dips to keep from spraining an ankle. For the Thursday run, I did a usual route that included some concrete and hills. I'm still getting used to going downhill in the VFF's. I have to take it pretty easy going downhill since you're really using your calves if you land lightly on your forefoot, but if you don't, it's pretty jarring.

On Saturday, I did 6 miles in my regular running shoes. It was a good run although my calves were still pretty tight. I took a whirlpool bath that afternoon to massage my calves. Ahhhhhhh.

So this week, my VFF's got to come to Salt Lake City with me. After being in an office all day, I was able to squeak in a run before dinner. The very nice guy at the hotel desk gave me a map and showed me a good, safe route for running. I did around 3 miles in downtown SLC in my VFF's. I felt great! Even though the weather was kinda nasty. It was blustery,chilly, and threatening to rain before I finished. It was so windy, the dust was blowing in my eyes, nose and mouth. But running in a new place is always exhilerating and a good way to shake up your routine. It's also a nice sight-seeing method to see what's in the nearby vicinity.

And packing VFF's? Fahgettaboutit! They are the perfect packable shoes - lightweight, small, dry quickly, and no need to pack running socks!

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